This is an interview with one of the top managers in NC (designing team for Lineage 1).
A very rough translantion.. But I guess you can understand it qq.
Q. Lineage's goal for 2010
-Will focus more on PVP. Next episode called "Collapes of winds" is being designed. This epi will focus more on PVP and siege, since this is what lineage stands out from other games.
And new user interface will have more updates like in-game map(+minimaps)
Q. There is rumor that the next dungeon renewal will be PI dungeon
-At the moment there are more important things than dungeon renewal. For example, Bot programmes, restriction of hunting areas by users has to be delt with first.We are not sure if we are going to renewal dungeons But as we mentioned, Bot and restriction of unting area is our primary subject for now.
Q. "Collapes of wins" the new Epi.. When will it be updated?
-This epi will come this winter(this is the expexted date). This Epi is focused on PVP and siege.
Q. Any new items coming?
-There is no plan for new items this year. But as you all might know there are several disbanded itemss like katana, Iron set, mail breacker etc.. We are planing to make players use these items once again.(in my thought what he wanted to say was make these items to make other items.)
Q. Any new hunting areas?
-We have no planes for this year. As we already told you this year, most of things will be focused in PVP and siege. After this has been done than we will try to renew the old & disbanded hunting areas.
Q. What about new instant dungeons besides Thebe and Tichal?
-We are ot sure if it will update this year, BUT crack of time was designed to have 3 concepts. One has already been shown(Thebe & Tichal), rest of it will be updated in near future.
Q. Any new magic or skills?
-We are bringing our heads together to figure out when is the best time to update. I think this will be updated when "Collapes of wind" appears. So late this year or early next year.
One thing is, we are focusing more in Royal class. Lineage is based on BP. So we are plaing to make Royal's skill more efficent and powerful, so ppls can gather around Royals.
Q. What about making siege once agan like the old days. Exp loss and Item drop. And mini games like dog race, slime race?
-It is difficult because Lineage is now 15+ game(age of user must be over 15 in Korea). And there are laws that indicate that 15+ games cannot contain these kind of game contents.
(-In Korea gambling and trading of items are illegal so they closed the dog race and changed to non item drop when PVP)
Q. 3rd update has been made to user interface what has been changed?
-Most of the update was about in-game map. This allows you to see all maps including dungeon and field. Also you can see where your party member is and where you are All maps ca be zoomed to 12X, It's a small navi that will make new players to travel the aden world much easily.
Dungeon mini map will be provided with 23x zoom. So there will be no one who gets lost in aden world.
Q. Any new poly coming up?
-At the moment most of our customers are in 50~55 lev So we are planing to make some changes in 50~60 lev. For 60+ poly, it will be changed after 50~60 poly has been changed.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Friday, 12 February 2010
Compact Version...
ok I lost the full version....... I cant find it....
But I found compact version... it still is almost 20min long.... so
Friday, 5 February 2010
My server siege.......
This is Gardria server. This server was the one I used to play.
In this video, a new BP called "Flower rain" which moved from other server(in korea each chrecter can move servers once a month, but have to pay cash to NC) has came to Gardria sever. This BP took Kent castle with the help of one of the most dirtiest BP in gardria server(pking everyone except their own BP and limits hunting areas such as Thebe, TOI, and FI for normal ppl to enter those hunting areas). The original BP which was holding Giran castle will attack and try to take it again in near future.
About 200 members from Giran BP and 150 bp members from Flower rain bp and Caspa(dirty BP)
was at that battle. (We have 70 ppls playing Ken server ~!!! omg~!!!!!!).
I havent saw the full video cause my internet sucks(27k modem...... I shoot 1 arrow per one sec..... even with wafer.... qq)....
Take a look and have fun~~~~
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Illusionist-NEW charecter in Lineage 1
Illusionist(is my spelling correct?)
is meant to be a very helpful party charecter. If you see their magics you will see that they are very pwoerful.
Illusionist uses a NEW type of weapon called Keylink. This weapon looks like a melee weapon
but it gives magical damage(its not like Ice queen staff) and this damage will be influenced by
Today I will show some magic and where these magic cubes are droped(I will do drops nex time qq I have to work).
1. Magic~!
Like elf, illusonist's magic can be obtained every 10 lev. So its 10, 20, 30, 40
But no 50lev Magic~! there are 4 levels of illusionist magic.
40% of illusionist magic is a BUFF magic. And there is special magic in every 10 lev called
"CUBE magic" (There is one CUBE MAGIC for every 10 lev)
And like other magic Some of the Illusionist magic need catalyst.
Here are 5 catagories about Illusionist magic.
1. Buff magic
2. Ultra Super Buff(very short duration) magic
3. Cube magic-This magic buffs ally but gives damage or debuff to enemy.
4. Mind magic-low damage but ignores MR
5. Pysical damage magic.
Level 1 magic
1. Mirror image
ER+5, evasion+5 for 1200 sec.
2. Smash
Additional hit: 15 damage to enemy.
3. Illusion: Orge
Hit dmg+4 Hit chance+4 for 32 sec.
4. Confusion
Gives 10 dmg and for 2 sec the target cannot cast any magic(30% chance)
5. Cube: Ignition
For ally +30 fire resist. For enemy 10 dmg every 5 sec. Cube can be summoned for 20 sec.
Level 2 magic
1. Mind break
Erases target's 10 mana and gives 2X dmg to the target if the target has less than 10 mana
the magic will be ignored.
2. Bone break
Gives 10 dmg and 2sec Stun.(Higher Int = Longer stun. remember~!!!)
3. Illusion: lich
+2 SP for 32 sec
4. Concentration
+2 MP regen for 1200 sec.
5. Cube: Quake
Summons a cube that will give ally Earth resis +30 and give enemy root magic. Cube can be summoned for 20 sec.(root magic = cannot move for 1 sec every 5 sec)
Level 3 magic
1. Arm breaker
Gives 15 dmg and -2 hit dmg for 2 sec to the target.
2. Illusion:Diamond golem
For 32 sec target's AC will increase by 20. (-33 AC -->> -53AC)
3. Cube:shock
Cube will be sumond for 20sec. This cube will give +30 wind resis to ally. For enemy cube magic will erase enemy's 25%MR, this magic will be cast every 4 sec.
4. Patience
-2 dmg when attacked for 300 sec.
5. Fantasm(fastasmic?)
Makes target hold+stun(can't do anything) for 5 sec. But when attacked, target will be free from the magic.
Level 4 magic
1. Insight
All stat +1 except for charisma.
2. Illusion: avatar
+10 dmg to every attack and +6 SP, but recives increased dmg from enemy by 20%.
3. Joy of pain
Reduces Hp of illusionist himself and 1/3 of lost HP will be damaged to target.
4. Panic
All stat -1 except for charisma.
5. Cube:balance
Cube can be summoned for 20 sec. This cube can will give +4 MP regen every 4 sec/-25 HP every 5 sec to ally and enemy.
OK these are all the magic info for Illusionist. As you can see these magic are very suitable
for PVP. Of course some of them are useless. But if you are hunting or PVPing these magic can be a big help.
Where these cubes are droped will be introduces later qq. I have to work qq.
Oh I made my mage 52~!
is meant to be a very helpful party charecter. If you see their magics you will see that they are very pwoerful.
Illusionist uses a NEW type of weapon called Keylink. This weapon looks like a melee weapon
but it gives magical damage(its not like Ice queen staff) and this damage will be influenced by
Today I will show some magic and where these magic cubes are droped(I will do drops nex time qq I have to work).
1. Magic~!
Like elf, illusonist's magic can be obtained every 10 lev. So its 10, 20, 30, 40
But no 50lev Magic~! there are 4 levels of illusionist magic.
40% of illusionist magic is a BUFF magic. And there is special magic in every 10 lev called
"CUBE magic" (There is one CUBE MAGIC for every 10 lev)
And like other magic Some of the Illusionist magic need catalyst.
Here are 5 catagories about Illusionist magic.
1. Buff magic
2. Ultra Super Buff(very short duration) magic
3. Cube magic-This magic buffs ally but gives damage or debuff to enemy.
4. Mind magic-low damage but ignores MR
5. Pysical damage magic.
Level 1 magic
1. Mirror image
ER+5, evasion+5 for 1200 sec.
2. Smash
Additional hit: 15 damage to enemy.
3. Illusion: Orge
Hit dmg+4 Hit chance+4 for 32 sec.
4. Confusion
Gives 10 dmg and for 2 sec the target cannot cast any magic(30% chance)
5. Cube: Ignition
For ally +30 fire resist. For enemy 10 dmg every 5 sec. Cube can be summoned for 20 sec.
Level 2 magic
1. Mind break
Erases target's 10 mana and gives 2X dmg to the target if the target has less than 10 mana
the magic will be ignored.
2. Bone break
Gives 10 dmg and 2sec Stun.(Higher Int = Longer stun. remember~!!!)
3. Illusion: lich
+2 SP for 32 sec
4. Concentration
+2 MP regen for 1200 sec.
5. Cube: Quake
Summons a cube that will give ally Earth resis +30 and give enemy root magic. Cube can be summoned for 20 sec.(root magic = cannot move for 1 sec every 5 sec)
Level 3 magic
1. Arm breaker
Gives 15 dmg and -2 hit dmg for 2 sec to the target.
2. Illusion:Diamond golem
For 32 sec target's AC will increase by 20. (-33 AC -->> -53AC)
3. Cube:shock
Cube will be sumond for 20sec. This cube will give +30 wind resis to ally. For enemy cube magic will erase enemy's 25%MR, this magic will be cast every 4 sec.
4. Patience
-2 dmg when attacked for 300 sec.
5. Fantasm(fastasmic?)
Makes target hold+stun(can't do anything) for 5 sec. But when attacked, target will be free from the magic.
Level 4 magic
1. Insight
All stat +1 except for charisma.
2. Illusion: avatar
+10 dmg to every attack and +6 SP, but recives increased dmg from enemy by 20%.
3. Joy of pain
Reduces Hp of illusionist himself and 1/3 of lost HP will be damaged to target.
4. Panic
All stat -1 except for charisma.
5. Cube:balance
Cube can be summoned for 20 sec. This cube can will give +4 MP regen every 4 sec/-25 HP every 5 sec to ally and enemy.
OK these are all the magic info for Illusionist. As you can see these magic are very suitable
for PVP. Of course some of them are useless. But if you are hunting or PVPing these magic can be a big help.
Where these cubes are droped will be introduces later qq. I have to work qq.
Oh I made my mage 52~!
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Stat reroll part2
Ok. I missed the Hp and regeneration of HP and MP for elf
Here is the average HP and MP of elf
Dex 18 elf
-577HP and 220MP for lev 50
-HP/MP regen will be 1/1 (very low almost same as knight)
-Longrange hit damage 12
Dex 14 cheese elf
-577HP and 317MP for lev 50
-HP/MP regen will be 1/3
-Longrange hit damage 7
Con 18 elf
-772HP and 220MP for lev 50
-HP/MP regen will be 4/1
-Longrange hit damage 5
Dex 15 cheese elf
-577HP and 317MP for lev 50
-HP/MP regen will be 1/3
-Longrange hit damage 8
Now for Darkelf
Type 1: Str 18 Con 12 DE: Str 18 Dex15 Con 12 Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 9
-Powerful in melee and by putting 4 stats in Con It will give additional HP. But weak when
using a bow
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :622/171
Type 2: Con DE: Str 12 Dex 15 Con 18 Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 9
-Not recommended for Lev 60 under. This stat may give you some HP. But not suitable for low lev DE and POOR DE(If you dont have the gear to support Str and Dex than never choose this stats)
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :769/171
Type 3: Int 15 conwis DE: Str 12 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 9
-A NEW stats for DE after stat reroll. You can find many videos of DE using this stats recently.
By giving Int 15 you will get -2MP will be reduced when magic use, and by giving +2 Wis +1 MR, more MP when lev up, and by giving +4 in Con more HP when lev up, gain +1 HP regen.
This stat will require good items also.
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :622/268
Type 4:StrDex18 Wis DE: Str 18 Dex 18 Con 8 Int 11 Wis 11 Cha 9
-Very strong DE with +1MR. And good for melee and ranged attacks.
But low HP will be a problem when you PVP. Very good for Boss hunts if you have a mage
to support you with healing.
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :526/171
Type 5:StrDex18 Con DE: Str 18 Dex 18 Con 9 Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 9
-Also gives you Very strong damage. Same as Type 4 DE
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :526/171(HP will not increase compared to Wis DE)
Here is the average HP and MP of elf
Dex 18 elf
-577HP and 220MP for lev 50
-HP/MP regen will be 1/1 (very low almost same as knight)
-Longrange hit damage 12
Dex 14 cheese elf
-577HP and 317MP for lev 50
-HP/MP regen will be 1/3
-Longrange hit damage 7
Con 18 elf
-772HP and 220MP for lev 50
-HP/MP regen will be 4/1
-Longrange hit damage 5
Dex 15 cheese elf
-577HP and 317MP for lev 50
-HP/MP regen will be 1/3
-Longrange hit damage 8
Now for Darkelf
Type 1: Str 18 Con 12 DE: Str 18 Dex15 Con 12 Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 9
-Powerful in melee and by putting 4 stats in Con It will give additional HP. But weak when
using a bow
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :622/171
Type 2: Con DE: Str 12 Dex 15 Con 18 Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 9
-Not recommended for Lev 60 under. This stat may give you some HP. But not suitable for low lev DE and POOR DE(If you dont have the gear to support Str and Dex than never choose this stats)
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :769/171
Type 3: Int 15 conwis DE: Str 12 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 9
-A NEW stats for DE after stat reroll. You can find many videos of DE using this stats recently.
By giving Int 15 you will get -2MP will be reduced when magic use, and by giving +2 Wis +1 MR, more MP when lev up, and by giving +4 in Con more HP when lev up, gain +1 HP regen.
This stat will require good items also.
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :622/268
Type 4:StrDex18 Wis DE: Str 18 Dex 18 Con 8 Int 11 Wis 11 Cha 9
-Very strong DE with +1MR. And good for melee and ranged attacks.
But low HP will be a problem when you PVP. Very good for Boss hunts if you have a mage
to support you with healing.
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :526/171
Type 5:StrDex18 Con DE: Str 18 Dex 18 Con 9 Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 9
-Also gives you Very strong damage. Same as Type 4 DE
-Average HP and MP when 50 lev :526/171(HP will not increase compared to Wis DE)
Happy New Year
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Stat reroll
Stat reroll is the one everyone is waiting for.
I also want stat reroll....
Here are some basic rules you must understand
1. In Korean server reroll is allowed twice for each chracter.
(Just twice~! So, don't screw with your stat reroll)
There will be a item called " retrospection candle" in your inventory after update
(This was in Korean server, I don't know if it will change when adopted into US server).
And there will be a new NPC in Gludio called "lady of retrospection candle"(not sure for english)
She will change your stats.

(See the pink dressed lady in the middle? She's the one)
This will be the most difficult thing to explain to you(MY bad english QQ).
First what is "base stats"
Base stats are the stats that you choose when you creat a chracter, also the stats that you choose
when you use your candle.
Second what is "Base stat BONUS"(this is not bonus stats:I will explain in later)
If you see the picture(This is not the actual display when you use the candle, but very similar)
There is a box. In the box there are stat bonus which you can get from increasing Str, Dex,Int,
Wis, etc.

Remember this "The Base stats will give additional bonus effect(you can see the effect when
you use candle or when you make a new chracter.)"
To make this a bit simple here is an example
For a knight
If you choose base stats like the following
Str 16
Str 20
-Str 20 will get +4 hit chance and +4 hit damage as Base stat bonus as additional bonus
-Str 16 will get none
After leving these two knight will gain 35 str at the end
BUT~!!!! only Str 20 base knight will get +4 hit cance and +4 hit damage.
So, even if these two end with the same Str stats(like 35), Str 20 base stat knight will even more
For a elf
If you choose your base stats like the following
Dex 18
Dex 13
-Dex 18 will get +3 long range hit chance, +3 long range hit damage, +2 AC as Base stat Bonus
-Dex 13 will get none
This is a HUGE difference. So please becareful with your selection
*I will show some of most favored based stats for all classes later on this article
Third what is Bonus stats
Bonus stats are the stats you increase when your lev hits 51 and so on.
If you are lev 52 you will have 2 bonus stats.
If you are lev 62 tha you wil have 12 bonus stats.
3. Now the real part
ok. When you use the candle there will be 3 steps doing the stat reroll
Step1. Choose your base stats(Also remember to check BASE STATS BONUS)
Step2. You will than increase whatever stats you like with your Bonus stats.
Step3. You can complete the procedure or you can return to the beggening.
I told you that I will show the most favored BASE STATS in korean server for all classes
Here they are
1. Knights
Type 1: Strength knight :Str 20 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 9 Cha 12
-All of Base stats have been put into Str. With the Base stats bonus this type will be THE strongest knight. But compare to Con knight it will have lesser HP, and lower MR
This stat will be great for leving chracters. Not suitable for PVP.
Average HP at lev 50 :873
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 1
Type 2: Con Knight :Str16 Dex 12 Con 18 Int 8 Wis 9 Cha 12
-All of base stats have been put into Con. With this base stats you will have almost 1200 HP when you reach lev50 .(wow~!!!!)
If you have rare items to support than this will be a good stat.
Average HP at lev 50 :1164
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 7
Type 3: Con+Wis Knight :Str 16 Dex 12 Con 17 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 12
-The overall HP will not be high as Con knight But still will have 1000+ HP when you reach 50 lev With the high HP this stats will also provide additional MR and MP. Which means you can use your skills more often. A good stats for fight but not that good for leving.
Average HP at lev 50 :1115
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 5
Type 4: Str+Int+Wis Knight:Str 18 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 9 Wis 10 Cha 12
-Average knight. But as you put 1 int to your base stats you skills will need lesser MP(MP for using a skill will reduce by 1). And some extra MR and MP. But since HP is too low.... You will
have difficulties surviving(Doing a PVP with this stats is a suicide)
Average HP at lev 50 :873
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 1
Type 5:Str+Con Knight: Str 17 Dex 12 Con 17 Int 8 Wis 9 Cha 12
-There is no significant thing about this base stats knight. It has +1 it damage, +2 hit chance than Con knight.
Average HP at lev 50 :1115
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 5
2. Elf
Type 1: Dex elf: Str 11 Dex 18 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 9
-7 base stats has used in Dex to make 18 and Con to make 13. If you are using a bow this will be the fastest way for your leving. With 18 dex AC, hit damage hit chance and ER will be high. But low HP will make you a coword when PVP.
Type 2: Dex14 Cheese elf: Str 11 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 13 Wis 15 Cha 9
-This base stats will give your elf many but not the best base stats bonus. It will give
+2 longrange hit chance, +2 longrange hit damage, +1 Magic Success rate, +1 MR, and some more HP and MP with each lev. (best for elf if using a Thebe bow) Great for PVP and PVE if you often use magic.
Type 3: Con elf: Str 11 Dex 13 Con 18 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 9
-Good for melee elf. With the SOF(soul of flames) update most of elves can now fight knight and
darkelf in melee combat. There was a test in Korean server about SOF elf and darkelf doing
a dual. Before the SOF update elves cannot defete darkelf in 1:1 melee dual, BUT after the SOF update elf can kill the darkelf if they are same at lev, and can kill knights with +2~3 levs.
So. If you have the items and the magic..... TRY Con elf and kill the Knights and darkelves
which has always been a big threat to elves.
Type 4: Dex15 Cheese elf: Str 11 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 15 Cha 9
- This is a mutant(?) of Dex14 Cheese elf. Comparing with Dex 14 Cheese elf, this base stats will give you +1 AC, +1 longrange hit damage more, but losses +1 magic success rate.
Great for PVP and PVE if you are not using magic.
**************I'll post Darkelf and Mage next time sorry I have to go home*****************
I also want stat reroll....
Here are some basic rules you must understand
1. In Korean server reroll is allowed twice for each chracter.
(Just twice~! So, don't screw with your stat reroll)
There will be a item called " retrospection candle" in your inventory after update
(This was in Korean server, I don't know if it will change when adopted into US server).
And there will be a new NPC in Gludio called "lady of retrospection candle"(not sure for english)
She will change your stats.

(See the pink dressed lady in the middle? She's the one)
This will be the most difficult thing to explain to you(MY bad english QQ).
First what is "base stats"
Base stats are the stats that you choose when you creat a chracter, also the stats that you choose
when you use your candle.
Second what is "Base stat BONUS"(this is not bonus stats:I will explain in later)
If you see the picture(This is not the actual display when you use the candle, but very similar)
There is a box. In the box there are stat bonus which you can get from increasing Str, Dex,Int,
Wis, etc.

Remember this "The Base stats will give additional bonus effect(you can see the effect when
you use candle or when you make a new chracter.)"
To make this a bit simple here is an example
For a knight
If you choose base stats like the following
Str 16
Str 20
-Str 20 will get +4 hit chance and +4 hit damage as Base stat bonus as additional bonus
-Str 16 will get none
After leving these two knight will gain 35 str at the end
BUT~!!!! only Str 20 base knight will get +4 hit cance and +4 hit damage.
So, even if these two end with the same Str stats(like 35), Str 20 base stat knight will even more
For a elf
If you choose your base stats like the following
Dex 18
Dex 13
-Dex 18 will get +3 long range hit chance, +3 long range hit damage, +2 AC as Base stat Bonus
-Dex 13 will get none
This is a HUGE difference. So please becareful with your selection
*I will show some of most favored based stats for all classes later on this article
Third what is Bonus stats
Bonus stats are the stats you increase when your lev hits 51 and so on.
If you are lev 52 you will have 2 bonus stats.
If you are lev 62 tha you wil have 12 bonus stats.
3. Now the real part
ok. When you use the candle there will be 3 steps doing the stat reroll
Step1. Choose your base stats(Also remember to check BASE STATS BONUS)
Step2. You will than increase whatever stats you like with your Bonus stats.
Step3. You can complete the procedure or you can return to the beggening.
I told you that I will show the most favored BASE STATS in korean server for all classes
Here they are
1. Knights
Type 1: Strength knight :Str 20 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 9 Cha 12
-All of Base stats have been put into Str. With the Base stats bonus this type will be THE strongest knight. But compare to Con knight it will have lesser HP, and lower MR
This stat will be great for leving chracters. Not suitable for PVP.
Average HP at lev 50 :873
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 1
Type 2: Con Knight :Str16 Dex 12 Con 18 Int 8 Wis 9 Cha 12
-All of base stats have been put into Con. With this base stats you will have almost 1200 HP when you reach lev50 .(wow~!!!!)
If you have rare items to support than this will be a good stat.
Average HP at lev 50 :1164
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 7
Type 3: Con+Wis Knight :Str 16 Dex 12 Con 17 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 12
-The overall HP will not be high as Con knight But still will have 1000+ HP when you reach 50 lev With the high HP this stats will also provide additional MR and MP. Which means you can use your skills more often. A good stats for fight but not that good for leving.
Average HP at lev 50 :1115
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 5
Type 4: Str+Int+Wis Knight:Str 18 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 9 Wis 10 Cha 12
-Average knight. But as you put 1 int to your base stats you skills will need lesser MP(MP for using a skill will reduce by 1). And some extra MR and MP. But since HP is too low.... You will
have difficulties surviving(Doing a PVP with this stats is a suicide)
Average HP at lev 50 :873
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 1
Type 5:Str+Con Knight: Str 17 Dex 12 Con 17 Int 8 Wis 9 Cha 12
-There is no significant thing about this base stats knight. It has +1 it damage, +2 hit chance than Con knight.
Average HP at lev 50 :1115
Average HP regen at 50 lev : 5
2. Elf
Type 1: Dex elf: Str 11 Dex 18 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 9
-7 base stats has used in Dex to make 18 and Con to make 13. If you are using a bow this will be the fastest way for your leving. With 18 dex AC, hit damage hit chance and ER will be high. But low HP will make you a coword when PVP.
Type 2: Dex14 Cheese elf: Str 11 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 13 Wis 15 Cha 9
-This base stats will give your elf many but not the best base stats bonus. It will give
+2 longrange hit chance, +2 longrange hit damage, +1 Magic Success rate, +1 MR, and some more HP and MP with each lev. (best for elf if using a Thebe bow) Great for PVP and PVE if you often use magic.
Type 3: Con elf: Str 11 Dex 13 Con 18 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 9
-Good for melee elf. With the SOF(soul of flames) update most of elves can now fight knight and
darkelf in melee combat. There was a test in Korean server about SOF elf and darkelf doing
a dual. Before the SOF update elves cannot defete darkelf in 1:1 melee dual, BUT after the SOF update elf can kill the darkelf if they are same at lev, and can kill knights with +2~3 levs.
So. If you have the items and the magic..... TRY Con elf and kill the Knights and darkelves
which has always been a big threat to elves.
Type 4: Dex15 Cheese elf: Str 11 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 15 Cha 9
- This is a mutant(?) of Dex14 Cheese elf. Comparing with Dex 14 Cheese elf, this base stats will give you +1 AC, +1 longrange hit damage more, but losses +1 magic success rate.
Great for PVP and PVE if you are not using magic.
**************I'll post Darkelf and Mage next time sorry I have to go home*****************
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Basics about elemental enchant + more
I personaly leved up to 52 .... :)
Todays topic...
Elemental Enchant~!!!
(Koreans hated this update... BECAUSE~! every character now MUST have at least two
Weapons to carry... )
Due to elemental enchant, all of the monsters in hunting areas
have one weak element. For example if you are hunting in IGG area most of the monsters
will be weak to water elemental enchanted weapon.
Well... here is the enchant system summary..
You can buy Elemental Enchant scrolls at Aden castle
The shop is right behind the juice shop
It's really easy to find......if you have the bookmark for Aden Juice shop.
As you can see its not cheap..

Elemental Enchant is "Different" from other enchants.
Elemental enchants will not evaporate your weapon.. which means you can
enchant it with no risk of lossing your item. Previous weapon enchants will not be lost also.
So don't be afraid to fail!!!
Each element will be enchanted three times.
And if it successes a "prefix" will appear infront of your weapon
For example. +9 katana will have (if you succeed one time with water element)
"Water +9 katana" If you fail you will stll have +9 katana :))
First here are all the prefix of each element
Fire element
Fire "item"
Explosive "item"
Ignis's(Highest Fire elemental spirit) " item"
Water element
Water "item"
Undine's(Highest Water elemental spirit)"item"
Earth element
Destructive "item"
Clay's(Highest Earth elemental spirit) "item"
Wind element
Wind "item"
Strom "item"
Silf's(Highest Wind elemental spirit) "item"
Translation of prefix is done by my poor english... It may change when used in US server.
But you got the picture right?
ok simple rules.
1. Each Elemental enchant has maximum of three levels.
2. This level will be displayed as prefix.
3. Weapon Enchant will not disaapear even if you fail to succeed elemental enchants.
4. When you fail elemental enchants all of preivous elemental enchants will dissapear.
Only elemental enchants will be lost.
Strom +9 katana(lev 2 Wind element)----> enchant fail---->+9 katana
Strom +9 katana(lev 2 Wind element)----> enchant success---->Silf's +9 katana(lev 3 Wind)
All elemental enchants will provide you with additional elemental damage
Lev 1 Enchant = +1 elemental dmg
Lev 2 Enchant = +3 elemental dmg
Lev 3 Enchant = +5 elemental dmg
① 피격 대상의 속성에 상관없이 대미지는 증가한다
-Every elemental enchant will increase your dmg regardless of the monster's weak element
② 인챈트 속성이 피격 대상의 취약 속성일 경우, 보다 높은 대미지를 입힌다.
-If the elemental enchant is the weak element of a monster it will give more dmg.
③ 속성 인챈트는 피격 대상의 MR(마법 방어)에 영향을 받는다.
-elemental dmg is influenced by Magic resistence.
④ 피격 대상이 동속성 저항력을 높일 경우, 속성 대미지는 줄어든다.
-If a monster or a player increases the resistence of same element, dmg will decrease.
To help you estimate "how much adena it will cost to make Lev 3 item?"
It depands, but average adena used to make Lev 3 item is around 15M.....
Most of the time you will "Fail" at Lev 2.. So if you dont want to waste your money on this,
than buy one which is already enchanted to Lev 3
(If you are really lucky you will need only 0.9M to succeed but.... as you already know
"enchanting" SUCKS)
Next time it will be Accessary enchant<<<<<<
I personaly leved up to 52 .... :)
Todays topic...
Elemental Enchant~!!!
(Koreans hated this update... BECAUSE~! every character now MUST have at least two
Weapons to carry... )
Due to elemental enchant, all of the monsters in hunting areas
have one weak element. For example if you are hunting in IGG area most of the monsters
will be weak to water elemental enchanted weapon.
Well... here is the enchant system summary..
You can buy Elemental Enchant scrolls at Aden castle
The shop is right behind the juice shop
It's really easy to find......if you have the bookmark for Aden Juice shop.
As you can see its not cheap..

Elemental Enchant is "Different" from other enchants.
Elemental enchants will not evaporate your weapon.. which means you can
enchant it with no risk of lossing your item. Previous weapon enchants will not be lost also.
So don't be afraid to fail!!!
Each element will be enchanted three times.
And if it successes a "prefix" will appear infront of your weapon
For example. +9 katana will have (if you succeed one time with water element)
"Water +9 katana" If you fail you will stll have +9 katana :))
First here are all the prefix of each element
Fire element
Fire "item"
Explosive "item"
Ignis's(Highest Fire elemental spirit) " item"
Water element
Water "item"
Undine's(Highest Water elemental spirit)"item"
Earth element
Destructive "item"
Clay's(Highest Earth elemental spirit) "item"
Wind element
Wind "item"
Strom "item"
Silf's(Highest Wind elemental spirit) "item"
Translation of prefix is done by my poor english... It may change when used in US server.
But you got the picture right?
ok simple rules.
1. Each Elemental enchant has maximum of three levels.
2. This level will be displayed as prefix.
3. Weapon Enchant will not disaapear even if you fail to succeed elemental enchants.
4. When you fail elemental enchants all of preivous elemental enchants will dissapear.
Only elemental enchants will be lost.
Strom +9 katana(lev 2 Wind element)----> enchant fail---->+9 katana
Strom +9 katana(lev 2 Wind element)----> enchant success---->Silf's +9 katana(lev 3 Wind)
All elemental enchants will provide you with additional elemental damage
Lev 1 Enchant = +1 elemental dmg
Lev 2 Enchant = +3 elemental dmg
Lev 3 Enchant = +5 elemental dmg
① 피격 대상의 속성에 상관없이 대미지는 증가한다
-Every elemental enchant will increase your dmg regardless of the monster's weak element
② 인챈트 속성이 피격 대상의 취약 속성일 경우, 보다 높은 대미지를 입힌다.
-If the elemental enchant is the weak element of a monster it will give more dmg.
③ 속성 인챈트는 피격 대상의 MR(마법 방어)에 영향을 받는다.
-elemental dmg is influenced by Magic resistence.
④ 피격 대상이 동속성 저항력을 높일 경우, 속성 대미지는 줄어든다.
-If a monster or a player increases the resistence of same element, dmg will decrease.
To help you estimate "how much adena it will cost to make Lev 3 item?"
It depands, but average adena used to make Lev 3 item is around 15M.....
Most of the time you will "Fail" at Lev 2.. So if you dont want to waste your money on this,
than buy one which is already enchanted to Lev 3
(If you are really lucky you will need only 0.9M to succeed but.... as you already know
"enchanting" SUCKS)
Next time it will be Accessary enchant<<<<<<
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