I personaly leved up to 52 .... :)
Todays topic...
Elemental Enchant~!!!
(Koreans hated this update... BECAUSE~! every character now MUST have at least two
Weapons to carry... )
Due to elemental enchant, all of the monsters in hunting areas
have one weak element. For example if you are hunting in IGG area most of the monsters
will be weak to water elemental enchanted weapon.
Well... here is the enchant system summary..
You can buy Elemental Enchant scrolls at Aden castle
The shop is right behind the juice shop
It's really easy to find......if you have the bookmark for Aden Juice shop.
As you can see its not cheap..

Elemental Enchant is "Different" from other enchants.
Elemental enchants will not evaporate your weapon.. which means you can
enchant it with no risk of lossing your item. Previous weapon enchants will not be lost also.
So don't be afraid to fail!!!
Each element will be enchanted three times.
And if it successes a "prefix" will appear infront of your weapon
For example. +9 katana will have (if you succeed one time with water element)
"Water +9 katana" If you fail you will stll have +9 katana :))
First here are all the prefix of each element
Fire element
Fire "item"
Explosive "item"
Ignis's(Highest Fire elemental spirit) " item"
Water element
Water "item"
Undine's(Highest Water elemental spirit)"item"
Earth element
Destructive "item"
Clay's(Highest Earth elemental spirit) "item"
Wind element
Wind "item"
Strom "item"
Silf's(Highest Wind elemental spirit) "item"
Translation of prefix is done by my poor english... It may change when used in US server.
But you got the picture right?
ok simple rules.
1. Each Elemental enchant has maximum of three levels.
2. This level will be displayed as prefix.
3. Weapon Enchant will not disaapear even if you fail to succeed elemental enchants.
4. When you fail elemental enchants all of preivous elemental enchants will dissapear.
Only elemental enchants will be lost.
Strom +9 katana(lev 2 Wind element)----> enchant fail---->+9 katana
Strom +9 katana(lev 2 Wind element)----> enchant success---->Silf's +9 katana(lev 3 Wind)
All elemental enchants will provide you with additional elemental damage
Lev 1 Enchant = +1 elemental dmg
Lev 2 Enchant = +3 elemental dmg
Lev 3 Enchant = +5 elemental dmg
① 피격 대상의 속성에 상관없이 대미지는 증가한다
-Every elemental enchant will increase your dmg regardless of the monster's weak element
② 인챈트 속성이 피격 대상의 취약 속성일 경우, 보다 높은 대미지를 입힌다.
-If the elemental enchant is the weak element of a monster it will give more dmg.
③ 속성 인챈트는 피격 대상의 MR(마법 방어)에 영향을 받는다.
-elemental dmg is influenced by Magic resistence.
④ 피격 대상이 동속성 저항력을 높일 경우, 속성 대미지는 줄어든다.
-If a monster or a player increases the resistence of same element, dmg will decrease.
To help you estimate "how much adena it will cost to make Lev 3 item?"
It depands, but average adena used to make Lev 3 item is around 15M.....
Most of the time you will "Fail" at Lev 2.. So if you dont want to waste your money on this,
than buy one which is already enchanted to Lev 3
(If you are really lucky you will need only 0.9M to succeed but.... as you already know
"enchanting" SUCKS)
Next time it will be Accessary enchant<<<<<<
Gratz!~ On 52!!~ Really fast
ReplyDeleteThats some great info Kreo. thanks!
ReplyDeletein lin2 they've had elemental enchant for a while. Most people went for neutralish elements though (earth usually) which had the least number of mobs with reduced weakness to it... while not having the benifit of the extra damage you would have say as water against fire mobs, they give the base bonus to the most mobs with the least nerf/bonus from element. Sounds like from what your saying in korean lin1 most people use multiple weaps of dif elements instead of going for 1 weap with top enchant with the least-resisted element?
ReplyDeleteyes. to make things more clear.
ReplyDeletefor example there will be a new dungeon called "Giran Prison cave" this dungeon is filled with monsters that are weak to Earth elemen(this place is so called as "the NEW noob TOS" great exp :)) AND THE ONLY place that a earth element is good for hunting. That means you need another element to hunt in other places
In Korean server most favored combination is
"Earth+Water", "Earth+wind". For PVP fire is favored by many.