Thursday, 19 November 2009

Before I begin Thebe items can be obtained by special item
Called "Orisis treasure chest' which has two types
High value Orisis Treasure chest and Low value Orisis Treasure chest
High ones can be obtained from monsters inside the pyramids
Low ones can be obtained from desert of Thebe(Outside of Pyramids)
And also these treasures chest are divided into two parts,
Upper part and Lower part
If you obtain both part and double click it turns into
'Locked High value/Low value Orisis Treasure chest'
The chest can be opened with "nucleus of Time crake"
(Note that my traslation is not official names of items)
1 Nucleus of Time crake=100 peices of Fragments of Time crake
Can be changed by NPC
Fragments of Time crake can be obtained by hunting any monsters in Thebe

Here are some monsters that drop chestes
(Note this drop rate is my own experience)

First Out side of Thebe pyramids(desert)

Thebe Mandragora(same monster but has two color types, Black one has more hp but all the same to me)
: lev 23, HP/MP: 280/40, AC -10 posion attack
Drop lower Orisis treasure box(upper part), and Fragments of time crake
Drop rate:Very rare(never got any chest part from these monsters)

Thebe scaraboid(also two differnt color black ones)

:lev 29 HP/MP:400/70, AC -25
Black scaraboid: lev 32 HP/MP:480/70, AC -28
Quite dangerous, they form a unit with 3 scaraboid
Drop lower Orisis treasure box(upper part), and Fragments of time crake
Drop rate:Very rare(never got any chest part from these monsters)

Thebe Kalbis(now we're talking, also two types always blaxk ones are stronger)

:lev 35 HP/MP:480/70, AC -20 posion attack

Drop lower Orisis treasure box(upper part), and Fragments of time crake Drop rate:Very rare(only Low value but quite often dropes chest;1 out of 50 or 100)

Well this is all for today will post other monsters tomorrow

When will we have Thebe ~!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! The Little Tree thing is so cute~
    I v this blog lots of new stuff =)
